All the FIFA 16 Celebrations for XBox

All the FIFA 16 Celebrations for Playstation


Check the complete list of FIFA 16 Celebrations for XBox.


FIFA 16 Celebrations for XBox

Click in Running Moves or Finishing Moves to check all the FIFA 16 Celebrations for XBox.

Running Moves
Finishing Moves


One Arm Raised Hold B
Thumb Suck Hold X
Ear Twist Hold Y
Finger Points Tap B then hold B
Arms Out Tap X then hold X
Wrist Flick Tap Y then hold Y
Aeroplane Press down RS
Point to the Sky Hold RS up
Shhh! Hold RS right
Telephone Hold RS down
Can you hear me? Hold RS left
Hands out Flick RS right then hold RS left
Come on! Flick RS left then hold RS right
Blow Kisses Flick RS down then hold RS up
Double Arm Swing Flick RS up then hold RS down
Flying Bird Flick RS right then hold RS right
Hand on Head Flick RS left then hold RS left
Heart Symbol Flick RS down then hold RS down
Arms Pointing Up Flick RS up then hold RS up
Windmill Spin RS clockwise

How to Perform all the FIFA 16 Celebrations for XBox


Point to the Sky Hold LB, press B
Show Respect Hold LB, double tap B
Standing Archer Hold LB, hold RS right
Punch and Dodge Hold LB, hold RS left
Chest Slide Hold LB, flick RS down then up
Signature Finishing Move Press A
Backflip/Arms to Crows Hold LB, flick RS up twice
Double Backflip and Roll Hold LB, spin RS counter-clockwise
Violinist Hold LT, press X
Spanish Archer Hold LT, press Y
Hands on Ears Hold LT, double tap X
Knee Slide Arms Out Hold LT, hold RS up
I can’t hear you Hold LT, hold RS right
Side Slide Hold LT, hold RS down
Brick Fall Hold LT, hold RS left
Knee Slide Hold LT, flick RS up then down
Who am I? Hold LT, flick RS right then left
Front Flip/Torero (depending on agility) Hold LT, flick RS up twice
Knee Slide to Sit Hold LT, flick RS down twice
Flip/Cartwheel (depending on agility) Hold LT, spin RS counter-clockwise
Why Always Me? Hold RB, double tap Y
Kiss the Pitch Hold RT, double tap B
The Salute Hold RB, press Y
Peacock Hold RB, double tap B
Right Here Right Now Hold L1, press O
Old Man Hold LT, press RS
Stand Tall Hold RB, RS hold left
Right Here Right Now Hold LB, press B
Kiss the Whist Hold LT, double tap B
Hand Bite Hold LT, flick RS down up
Belly Flop Hold LB, press X
Riding the Wave Hold LB, press Y
The Business Hold LB, flick RS down twice
Hand Spring / Roll & Punch Hold LB, spin RS counter-clockwise
Twist Flip / Cartwheel Roll Hold LT, spin RS clockwise
If I catch you Hold RT, press RS
Spanish Dance Hold LT, flick RS up twice
Point Up Hold LB, flick RS left then right
Stomach Slide Hold LT, double tap Y
Chest Thump Hold RT, flick RS down twice
Glamour Slide Hold RB, Flick RS left twice
KO Hold LB, double tap X
Bailando Robot Hold LB, flick RS up down


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