FIFA 16 Players with best ratings

FIFA 16 Players with best ratings


You can find here the 50 FIFA 16 players with best ratings. These ratings are based on their performance over the last 365 days and takes into account league and cup play.


FIFA 16 Players with best ratings


Let see who they are:


Highest Overalls

Playstation and XBox

Playstation and XBox

Playstation and XBox

Playstation and XBox

Playstation and XBox

Playstation and XBox

Playstation and XBox

Playstation and XBox

Playstation and XBox

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Highest Overalls

Best EA Sports FIFA 16 Players according to their official rating

Best EA Sports FIFA 16 Players according to their official rating

Best EA Sports FIFA 16 Players according to their official rating

Best EA Sports FIFA 16 Players according to their official rating

Player Overall

Player Overall

Player Overall

Player Overall

Player Overall

Player Overall

Player Overall

Player Overall

FIFA 16 Players with best ratings

FIFA 16 Players with best ratings

FIFA 16 Players with best ratings

Player Overall

Player Overall

Player Overall

Player Overall

Player Overall


Do you agree with this ratings ? Do you think that Ronaldo and Messi should have the same rating ? How happy are you for seeing Alaba being improved with a 3 points bonus ? Share with us your opinions and thoughts.


2 thoughts on “FIFA 16 Players with best ratings”

  1. Konstantinos Zafiridis

    When will you be making lists of best strikers, midfielders, etc (like for FIFA 15) for FIFA 16?


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